It was a beautiful fall day in Asheville. It was about 60 degrees and sunny with a cool 20 mph breeze. We took Bo to the Asheville Arboretum. This is a big park with botanical gardens, nature trails, green houses, reflecting pools etc. We were walking a trail when about 25 yards above us a flock of 10 people went buy on Segways. We could only see their top half and with their beanie helmits on it looked like something from a sci-fi movie. I thought maybe it was a band of outlaw Segwayers terrorizing the bird watchers, but later I found out you can rent Sedgeways in the park. Only in Asheville. Right now Bo is lying here comatose after a 4 mile walk at 6 am at Fletcher Park, a 2 mile hike at the Arboretum and an 2 mile walk this afternoon back at the park.
Speaking of Bo. Last sunday morning I was at the park at 6:30 am, at the break of day for his exercise. As usual I grab one of the bio-degadeable pooh bags the town provides. We go about 50 feet when Bo stops to do his business. I stop and wait. I notice he keeps circling forever. After a minute I lean over to check, and he has a turd stuck. Usually his turds are skinny little things like those old Guinea-Stinker Italian cigars. This was like a golf ball. Now I'm thinking Carol is home getting ready for church, practicing her solo and the last thing she is going to want to do is help me with this mess. I also thinks this is going to create a mess in the car. Then a light goes off in my head. Fletcher Park has wonderful restrooms ; complete with heat, hot water paper towels and soft-soap. And of course right outside is that box full of pooh-bags. So I grab a handfull of bags and take him inside. I get the water real hot put a pooh-bag over my hand , get alot of soap on it and take Bo over to the changing table. I wrapped his leash around my arm and with the same hand yanked up his tail and went to work. I'm just finishing cleaning up his little tush when some guy comes in with his 7 year old daughter. Why do men bring their little girls into the men's room? They do the same thing at the pool. Anyway next time I think he will just take his chance on sending her into the ladies room alone. I'm sure this happens everyday in Asheville.