Today we went over the intro to the New Testament, which was actually a summation of the hard lessons we were supposed to learn in the previous thirty-nine "love letters". Like Moses leading the multitude I felt it appropriate to summarize our five months in the Sinai.
I said, "These five months have been like going to a psychiatrist. We laid on the couch and rattled on and got impatient and discouraged. Like a patient we asked the doctor, how long would he take to find out what's our problem is. The shrink says, "I knew what your problem was after ten minutes, I was waiting for you to figure it out". That's where we've been for five months, mired in the blood the guts and the beer, learning what the problem is. Five months is better than five thousand years, and instead of losing people we gained a couple. It was some tough stuff but I think we at least see our problem.