Friday, December 31, 2010

As Irish As Kelly's Pig

Carol went to Ireland and all I got was this hat and drum. After consulting with many musicians, the general consensus is that I'm tone deaf and have a paralyzed vocal cord. However, I do have a molecule of rhythm (especially after two beers).

Now arthritis not withstanding, I am giving the bodran the college try. Hopefully by summer I will be able to join CP and her lively fiddle for a duet, who knows maybe if this nursing thing doesn't work out I can join River Dance.

Along with the Irish drum and hat I like to take naps with my high energy Welsh Terrier. Being the true Renaissance Man that I am, I refuse to let this Irish thing keep me from eating the Polish Perogies my Jewish sister sent me for Christmas. This year we decided to open the box marked perishable when it arrived, instead of leaving it on the counter for three days. Now that's Polish!
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1 comment:

D- said...

It kind of looks like all that drum practice and Polish chow "pooped" both you and Bo out!
Great shot of Bo totally "gone".