This is Mitt Romney. Mitt feels that with enough money, attack ads and photo-ops, conservative America will come around. However, there is nothing he can do to make us love him. It's not that we don't know him; it's that we do know him and we don't like him. Mitt thinks he can become President by the force of his will, a half billion dollars and the PR department of the LDS church. Like Summer in the movie, the public will party with Mitt, sleep with Mitt and spent 500 days being courted by Mitt, but in the end they're going to marry someone else. It's like your Mom setting you up with the sweet neighbor girl. Who are you going to go out with? I bet you're going to bring home the Goth-Girl with the bolt in her head.

It's all about arrogance. Mitt is saying I'm so handsome, so moral, such a family man, a man of Gods, such an entrepreneur that I make 20 million a year in my bathrobe; how can you not love me? How can you love that chubby old man with three wives? How can you love that home-schooling youth pastor wannabee? How can you love that senile old codger who wants to close the Federal Reserve?
It's easy to understand, Mitt; the other guys aren't YOU!
This is really good. He's a true mayonnaise-face.
My, my, my. Very articulate!
So who do you think can beat Obama? I'm all about ABO.
I like Santorum. Do you think he can beat Obama?
Mary, what's a "mayonnaise-face?
Mayonnaise-face must be something bad because CP doesn't know what it means either.
Obama is going to double-down on the race card. That is why he is mounting his attack on the Catholic Church. The LDS church has a racist history going back from it's beginning until as recently as 1980. When I was in Utah blacks couldn't be patrol leaders in the Boy Scouts. When the Scouts threatened to pull their charter the LDS had a revelation. It wasn't until 1980 that blacks could hold the phony Melchizedek and Aaronic priesthoods. After Obama gets done marginalizing the Catholics he will paint Romney as someone out of a Wagnerian Opera.
The only one who can beat Obama now is Jesus, and He ain't running. All the Republican's have are enough mayonnaise-faces to make potato salad
Wow. The Kahuna has just informed me "mayonnaise face" is a well-known expression by the Italian guys at his tool shop, one of which is from the old country. I first heard it from Aunt Teresa when she first met my boys (they were like 4 and 2 years old). She looked at them and said, "Mary, they're mayonnaise face." She was referring to their mixed breeding. LOL. I was using it metaphorically with Romney, as an expression of his mediocre personality. All this time I thought it was an expression Aunt Teresa made up.
If Mitt gets the Liberal Republican nomination, O-bum-ma will chew him up and spew him out at any debate they may have. The results will be four more years of the lunacy of an O-bum-ma Presidency.
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