Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Uncertainty of Uncertainty

The stock markets have reacted to the uncertainty of a "O" presidency with a dive. Like children diving under the bed when their drunk dad comes home, the whole investment community is scared. The pundits are already talking of "buyer's remorse". Like problem dogs in the Cesar Milan's pack they are full of negative energy; no one knows their position in the pack. No one knows the limits, the rules, or where their next meal is coming from. Onto this stage comes the "O" and his three hundred economic advisers (three hundred Prophets of Baal). Instead of letting the economy seek its own level and recover we have a parade of bail-outs. Don't they realize the problem is one of confidence? We no longer believe the state can fix anything. Our leaders are like men in a sinking boat poking holes in the bottom to let the water out.

I'm getting my "Who Is John Galt" bumper sticker. Anyone who voted for the "O" could not have read Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. The fact that the book is 1,400 pages puts it beyond the reach of 90% of those educated in the state schools and most of the voting public. John Galt's speech pretty well sums up the the futility and malignancy of socialism. However, our nation bought this "pig in a poke" and now we must sit back and watch our great nation sink into mediocrity. What's funny is that the British seem more aware that we have been scammed than we are ourselves; see Peter Hitchins' editorial.

In about a year, when those who drank the Kool-Aid realize that they have been deceived it will be important for the church to be there to help clean up the mess left behind. Perhaps this is the kick-off for the "great tribulation" and we have seven more years to endure. I take comfort knowing that God wasn't staying up late on Nov. 4th wondering which way Ohio would go, red or blue. This is an exciting time. It's a time like out of the Old Testament when Israel asked for a King and got Saul. It's like in the "Ten Commandments" when Charlton Heston said to Israel:



Anonymous said...

That Peter Hitchens editorial is somethin' else. I have to admit that I thought O's "arc of history" was some pretty good speech writing, though a bit chilling. And anyways, technically, can one bend history before history is made? He's talking about course correction, the majority believing a hard turn to the left will do it. And to begin, it appears we are about to see a bunch of executive orders that will take our breath away I'm afraid.

Thomas said...

That Hitchens article was spot on.

Our leaders are like men in a sinking boat poking holes in the bottom to let the water out. Great analogy!

And this line: It's a time like out of the Old Testament when Israel asked for a King and got Saul is exactly what's been on my mind since the election.