Friday, May 04, 2012

A Miracle In Fletcher

It is a miracle, I found a good book at the Branch Library.  Three Free Sins seems a lot like the writings of Larry Crabb.  However, I didn't find Larry Crabb's book as enjoyable as Three Free Sins.  Three Free Sins reminds me of another favorite book of mine by John Eldredge.

I didn't want to prejudice myself and read the Amazon Reviews before the book, so I just read about fifty pages first.  The reviews gave it 4.25 stars.  It had ten 5-star ratings and two 1-star ratings.  I read the reviews and decided that two readers missed the premise of the book.  I just didn't want to get into a Ron Bell controversy.

I'm about a third through the book and what I like is that it kind of builds upon itself.  Other books of this kind usually make their point in the first two chapters and then just rehash the point for another 200 pages.

The amazing thing was that I found it at my local branch library.  It was right there in front of me; between the biographies of Whitney Houston and Justin Bieber.


Aunt Mary said...

Wow Babba, I just looked it up in my library system, and yes, it does sound like a good book. I think I'll check it out. Thanks.

Aunt Dot said...

Save some for the airplane!